The Application of Biopreparations as an Alternative to Chemical Fungicides in the Protection of Wheat
Suzana Kristek, Jurica Jović, Marina Martinović, Josipa Jantoš, Brigita Popović, Zdenko Lončarić scientific paper)
Two-year experiments were conducted on two different types of soil during 2021 and 2022, respectively. The influence of microbiological preparations Mycor-FAZOS, Vitality-FAZOS, and Super Green-FAZOS on the yield and quality parameters of wheat the Mura variety (Agrigenetics) was investigated. The experiment was set up according to the split-block scheme in four repetitions on two types of soil, in 12 different variants on each of them. The area of the basic plot amounted 40 m2, while the calculated plot amounted to 24 m2. The elements of the research were as follows: A (soil type) – A1 – humogly, A2 – eutric brown soil; B (seed treatment) – B1 – control, B2 – seed treated with biopreparation; C (protection against diseases) – C1 – control, C2 – treatment with chemical fungicides, C3 – treatment with biopreparations. The research parameters were grain yield (t/ ha), protein content in grain (%), mass of 1,000 grains (g), hectoliter mass (kg), and plant height (cm). The highest average grain yield was obtained by the B2C3 variant, where the yield was 17.42% higher than the yield obtained by the B1C2 variant. In terms of protein content, the difference between the mentioned varieties was 4.24%, in the weight of 1,000 grains 6.36%, in hectoliter weight 6,35%, and 6,87% in plant height. We can conclude that a seed treatment with the Mycor-FAZOS biopreparation has improved root development, so the plants were healthier, taller, and more robust, but it has improved a uniform growth too, so the plants were darker than the untreated seed variants (scoring an increased photosynthesis index). The protection performed with the Vitality-FAZOS and Super Green-FAZOS biopreparations (i.e., the microorganisms that have an extremely fungicidal effect but also synthesize growth hormones) ensured that the wheat remained healthy while achieving a higher seed yield and obtaining a better quality of research parameters.
Correspondent author:
uzana Kristek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia,