The journal Poljoprivreda / Agriculture is a diamond open access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal. All articles are published under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivates 4.0 International License.
The journal Poljoprivreda publishes papers from the wide range of topics, including plant production, animal science, soil science, ecology and agricultural economics.
The journal Poljoprivreda / Agriculture is published by the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek and Agricultural Institute Osijek twice a year and is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education.
Current issue

Volume 27, Number 1, 2021
List of the 10 most cited papers in the Web of Science database:
Ćosić, J., Vrandečić, K., Postić, J., Jurković, D., & Ravlić, M. (2010). In vitro antifungal activity of essential oils on growth of phytopathogenic fungi. Agriculture, 16(2), 25-28.
Rebekić, A., Lončarić, Z., Petrović, S., & Marić, S. (2015). Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation coefficient-which one to use?. Agriculture, 21(2), 47-54.
Bogut, I., Has-Schön, E., Adámek, Z., Rajković, V., & Galović, D. (2007). Chironomus plumosus larvae-a suitable nutrient for freshwater farmed fish. Agriculture, 13(1), 159-162.
Jug, D., Jug, I., Brozović, B., Vukadinović, V., Stipešević, B., & Đurđević, B. (2018). The role of conservation agriculture in mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Agriculture, 24(1), 35-44.
Ivezić, V., Lončarić, Z., Engler, M., Kerovec, D., & Singh, B. R. (2013). Comparison of different extraction methods representing available and total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in soil. Agriculture, 19(1), 53-58.
Strelec, I., Popovic, R., Ivanisic, I., Jurkovic, V., Jurkovic, Z., Ugarcic-Hardi, M., & Sabo, M. (2010). Influence of temperature and relative humidity on grain moisture, germination and vigour of three wheat cultivars during one year storage. Agriculture, 16(2), 20-24.
Kovačević, V., & Rastija, M. (2010). Impacts of liming by dolomite on the maize and barley grain yields. Agriculture, 16(2), 3-8.
Novoselec, J., Klir, Ž., Domaćinović, M., Lončarić, Z., & Antunović, Z. (2018). Biofortification of feedstuffs with microelements in animal nutrition. Agriculture, 24(1), 25-34.
Visentin, G., Penasa, M., Gottardo, P., Niero, G., Isaia, M., Cassandro, M., & De Marchi, M. (2015). Milk coagulation properties of cattle breeds reared in Alpine area. Agriculture, 21(1 SUPPLEMENT), 237-240.
Karalić, K., Lončarić, Z., Popović, B., Zebec, V., & Kerovec, D. (2013). Liming effect on soil heavy metals availability. Agriculture, 19(1), 59-64.