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General information

The journal Poljoprivreda / Agriculture is a diamond open access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal. Diamond Open Access model means that there are NO author processing fees and NO fees to access the published papers. Full texts of articles are open access free of charge without delay (no embargo period) for educational or personal use respecting authors and publishers’ copyrights. The papers are printed in Croatian and English language.

The journal Poljoprivreda / Agriculture is published by the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical sciences Osijek and Agricultural Institute Osijek. The journal is published twice a year and is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education.

The journal Poljoprivreda publishes papers from the wide range of topics, including plant production, animal science, soil science, ecology and agricultural economics. Book surveys or their reviews, summaries of doctoral theses and short communications covering agriculture field may be included in the journal supplement.